
Dear guests,

Since the early days of my involvement in the tourism sector, I had a dream. As my experiences stacked over time, my dream got bigger and more achievable than ever. Hotel White Himal is the exact manifestation of my dream: my venture into the hospitality sector of Pokhara. The concept of the White Himal had been building within me while I travelled around the world. The German hospitality reminded me how amiable services can be provided while the Malaysian hotels showed me the advancement in technologies. The cumulative knowledge from different parts of the world gave a fusion to my scattered ideas. My desire to introduce a new product in the market kept me awake at nights; thinking how I can assemble the pieces to make the perfect picture. Comments and suggestions from my advisors helped me to pave the way towards the White Himal.

My only message for you all: come visit us! Come to experience a new taste and a new environment. I have devoted my time to White Himal, overseeing aspects of management and ensuring security: from the construction phase till now. I can ensure that you will get total satisfaction during your stay.

I am interested in social works and helping the needy ones. I can assure that the partial income of the hotel will be used for different social causes. In addition to that, Hotel White Himal will fulfil its role as a service receiver and make a necessary contribution in PES(Payment For Ecosystem Services) scheme of Phewa watershed. I have grand plans about adding to the already excellent Hotel White Himal: upgrading and enriching it with time. I need your full support during my future steps.

Shubash Bhandari

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